May 2, 2024

Combining Workout Disciplines – how effective are they?

Workout Disciplines

     The current trend now among workout disciplines is combining two kinds of workouts, such as PiYO or Yoga + Pilates. When combined, these two morphs into a killer combination that delivers results. Personally, when I experience tiredness at work, I stand up and walk around a little bit around the office to stretch my legs and generally get my circulation going again. Just those simple movements actually refresh my mind and gets me to work again, better than any coffee. How much more when you do these two workout disciplines combined? Stay a while for an interesting read.


    This discipline is similar to yoga but the focus or the emphasis is the body’s core – this includes the lower back, inner and outer thigh, the obliques, and your abdomen. The discipline, however, is relatively safe than just beasting it out with gym equipment going more for form instead of just the burn. Pilates works in such a way that it will strengthen on muscle and at the same time stretching another. Pilates is invented by a gymnast who is also a carpenter by trade, he wanted pilates to be a healing exercise for injured dancers.

Combining Workout Disciplines


   Yoga is NOT a religion, contrary to the beliefs of some people. It is a discipline with various practices that can calm the variations and fluctuations of the mind. It is also not exclusive to people with extreme agility. Anyone can practice yoga and can be tailored for your individual need. Furthermore, yoga can also help strengthen your back muscles, along with your arm, leg, chest and stomach muscles.


    Pi-Yo is now a combination of the two disciplines, truly a full workout for both the body and our minds. Pilates works your core and makes you exert physical force. Both disciplines do this but Yoga adds the magical effects of meditation and lying very still. Yoga allows a practitioner to calm his mind and reduce stress, anxiety and the dangers of overthinking. By combining these two we avoid getting into the rut of repetitiveness, which dulls and downplays the benefits it has on our body. We are actually giving our body two distinct sets of movements to combines and continually make combinations of the routines. Because Pilates is designed to alleviate the negative effects of injuries, it is beneficial for people with minor injuries that are being worked on to normal function via therapy. The “intensity” levels can be tailor fit according to the user’s pace and physical capacity. with this two disciplines, you are constantly in motion while doing yoga based poses, actually giving you muscle toning without the use of weights. This is worth a try, you can start slowly with online videos and if you like them, you can buy a subscription and do serious workouts.