April 20, 2024

Everything about Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are located in the deepest part of the mouth, in other words, the bottom of the mouth. This question arises in the minds of many people, why do we have wisdom teeth? Why should it be removed? What happens if we have it removed?

The third molar is called the wisdom tooth. Early humans had larger bones and skeletons because early humans ate raw and hard food, so they needed more molar teeth and stronger displacement. Over time, as human food becomes softer, their jawbones are smaller. Therefore, the last molar gradually loses enough space for growth and result in several complications. In this case, the patient should refer to the emergency dental office to have it extracted or removed during dental surgery.

Why Is It Called the Wisdom Teeth?

The bud usually starts at the age of 11 or 12. This tooth erupts between 17 and 24 years old and at the same time with intellectual maturity, which is why it is called a wisdom tooth. It is better for people at this age to have checked their wisdom teeth by a dentist so that if there is a problem, they can easily extract it. Sometimes due to the poor growth of wisdom teeth, the inner part of the mouth may be bitten, and this factor causes infection in the mouth.

How Many Wisdom Teeth Are There in the Mouth?

Each person has four permanent molars. There are four wisdom teeth in every two jaws of every human being, which are, in fact, the last teeth in the maxillary arch. However, most of the time, it does not happen. If the wisdom teeth do not erupt properly, they may damage the teeth adjacent to the jawbone or the nervous system. In other words, this tooth may not grow in some people because wisdom teeth do not form in some people during pregnancy. (With radiographs, its condition can be informed).

Common Questions about Wisdom Teeth

Should wisdom teeth be extracted?

Because wisdom teeth are in the deepest part of the mouth and are difficult to access, it is hard to brush and floss them and keep them clean. Therefore, tooth decay is common. Surgery should be performed when the wisdom tooth has a lot of decay, no place for eruption, puts pressure on the adjacent tooth horizontally, or is placed horizontally in the jawbone.

When Is the Right Time to Extract Wisdom Teeth?

In some people, the complete roots are adjacent to the nerve canal, and tooth extraction may cause short-term and sometimes prolonged anesthesia.

The maxillary sinus is also a large, natural cavity. However, due to the formation and elongation of the root of the wisdom tooth, the proximity of the root to the sinus may be very close, and the sinus cavity may open or become infected during extraction.

Complications of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Common side effects of wisdom tooth extraction may be severe bleeding, nerve damage, and, most importantly, infiltration of the maxillary sinus.